red 2012: Necrono-MITT-CON

October 27, 2012 at 7:36 am (entertainment, freedom, poetry, politics) (, , )

As the date draws close for this NATION to re-choose the person to PRESIDE over the affairs of the REPUBLIC I find a GREAT disturbance in that the “party of Lincoln” would have some of their ‘rank / defile’ suggest that it would be “ACCEPTABLE” for THEIR DAUGHTER, OR WIFE to bear the “GIFT” of a DERANGED OFFENSE… even to give said “GIFT” their NAME. Which would only be ‘RIGHT if they “TRULY” believe in their words.
Then there “is” the respect of a CAPTAIN playing “52 pick-up” with the RACE CARDS to a FIVE-STAR GENERAL.ALL to put “DAMIAN” in a “house” that HE claims as INHERITANCE.(Since when does the son of one born in
Colonia Dublán, Galeana, Chihuahua, Mexico
assert MORE “rights” than a HAWAIIAN!?!)The FAN-FAIR of policy change has eclipsed a category THREE HURRICANE’S velocities.

This pity-ditty of abhorrence…

“the MITT-cromnicon agenda”

Your “RULES are fine
for those as “blind”
still in your DARK-EEE-ness
peace can’t find

the stones you cast
weak missives past
a faithless laugh
a “love” too crass

yet, “lead” you must
with gattled BLUNDER-BUSS
there’s no god you trust
at that inn, “JUST US”

crying VOTE-fore-Mi
a fingered breeched levy
new GLORIES tain’t for thee
your greeds forget the “WE”

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